Word Count: 0

A photographic tour of street art in Mexico City guided by Jenaro de Rosenzweig of Street Art Chilango, pictured here with his pup. In the second photograph, the writer attempts to get out of the way of her own post.





Filed under graffiti, murals, street art

8 responses to “Word Count: 0

  1. John Ahrens

    Wonderful group of photographs.
    Reminds us just like music it speaks through people, to people and ties us together.
    Street art is the best as it’s freely distributed and shared. I am also amazed how close this art from Mexico is reflective to street art around the world.

    • In the tradition of great Mexican muralists such as Tamayo and Diego Rivera, this may be how new artists emerge. Interestingly, Jenaro de Rosenzweig mentioned that few of the artists received any formal training in art schools. Some in fact were former graffiti taggers.

  2. pmayer

    Great host, and excellent tour… always good to get out for a walk and work off the incredible meals produced by the fine chefs of Mexico City. Art, Museums and Food, Mexico City has it all.

  3. Gorgeous mural tour, Kim! And I’m with Paul: who could ask for more than what Mexico City has to offer?!

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